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Tutorial: Creating a Simple Word Counter Extension for Google Docs


Are you looking to gain hands-on experience with creating extensions in Google Docs? This tutorial is designed to help you do just that! By following these steps, you'll learn how to develop a Word Counter extension for Google Docs using Javascript, all while enhancing your skills in Google Apps Script along the way. Let's dive in and empower ourselves with the ability to customize and automate functionalities within Google Docs!

Step 1: Accessing Google Apps Script

1. Open your Google Docs document.

2. Navigate to "Extensions" > "Apps Script" from the top menu.

Step 2: Writing the Script

1. In the Apps Script editor, delete any existing code.

2. Copy and paste the following code into the script editor:

// Function to count words in the active Google Docs document
function countWords() {

  // Get the active document

  const doc = DocumentApp.getActiveDocument();

  // Get the text content of the document

  const text = doc.getBody().getText();

  // Split the text into words

  const words = text.trim().split(/\s+/);

 // Count the number of words

  const wordCount = words.length;


  // Display the word count

  DocumentApp.getUi().alert('Word Count', 'Total Words: ' + wordCount, DocumentApp.getUi().ButtonSet.OK);


// Function to add a custom menu to Google Docs

function onOpen() {

  const ui = DocumentApp.getUi();

  // Create a custom menu

  ui.createMenu('Word Counter')

      .addItem('Count Words', 'countWords')


Step 3: Saving and Closing

1. Save the script by clicking on the disk icon or selecting "File" > "Save".

2. Close the script editor.

Step 4: Refresh and Run

1. Refresh the Google Docs page.

2. You should now see a new menu option called "Word Counter".

3. Click on "Word Counter" and select "Count Words" to see the word count of your document.

Congratulations! You've successfully completed this tutorial, gaining valuable experience in creating extensions for Google Docs. By following these steps, you've not only built a Word Counter extension but also expanded your knowledge of Google Apps Script. Keep exploring and customizing scripts to further enhance your skills and streamline your workflow in Google Docs. With this newfound expertise, you're well-equipped to tackle more advanced projects and tailor Google Docs to your specific needs. Happy scripting!

Disclaimer: AI was used in the creation of this post



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